5 Tips for Natural Curl Eyelashes – Thick, long, curly lashes will support the beauty of your eyes. Therefore, many women decide to use eyelashes extensions. However, if used continuously, of course it will lead to eyelash loss and lead to baldness. You don’t want that to happen, right?

5 Tips For Natural Curl Eyelashes

For that you have to treat and nourish your lashes as early as possible. It’s not expensive, you can use natural ingredients that are easy to find. So interested in trying it? Let’s take a look at five tips so that the following naturally curled lashes! 5 Tips for Natural Curl Eyelashes

  1. Aloe vera

Not only good for hair growth, aloe vera also helps to curl lashes, you know. The content of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and the origin of fat is believed to be able to nourish the roots to the tips of the lashes. How to use it, apply aloe vera gel, then let stand for an hour and rinse using warm water. Use 3-4 times a week for maximum results, yes!

  1. Candlenut

From the past until now, the efficacy of hazelnut in thickening and lengthening hair is no longer in doubt. After investigating, it turns out that hazelnut can also be used to help curl lashes. By regularly applying hazelnut oil, you can see that your lashes are getting thicker and naturally tapering.

  1. Betel leaf

Minimal irritation and effectively thicken hair, making betel leaf still a natural ingredient that is used today. In addition, routinely use betel leaves. make your lashes curl more. Its use is also quite easy, grind two betel leaves and apply it to the lashes. Let stand for 30-45 minutes, then rinse gently.

  1. Olive oil

One of the oils that is great for thickening and curling lashes is olive oil. The content of vitamins A and E in olive oil is believed to stimulate hair growth and maintain healthy lashes. Of course, how to use it is very easy, apply olive oil on the lashes before going to bed and then rinse in the morning.

  1. Almond oil

Apart from olive oil, almond oil can also help to thicken and nourish your lashes because it is rich in vitamin E. Well, you can find this almond extract in packaged form, so you can apply it directly to your lashes, then leave it overnight and rinse the next day. the morning. Visit eyelashes manufacturer indonesia.